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INDEX_RS_ASC aren't in official documentation so I'm not even sure they are valid hints. As I write this, it occurs to me that dynamic sampling might help here and will try that but that obviously comes with some overhead. Any other options? Thanks for an Why you don't have predicate information from AWR / Statspack execution plans? Reason and workaround. SQL Tuning Sets sind seid jeher ein wichtiges Mittel in der Datenbank um SQL Workloads in der Datenbank zu speichern. Sie geben schnell Aufschluss über das ver… It is interesting to note what Oracle has made, i’ve not found patch for this bug, with patchset Oracle has introduced “code improvement” adding two new hints: INDEX_RS_ASC and INDEX_RS_DESC A deep discussion about dbms_xplan and usage.

Cette fois il s'agit d'une autre problématique. J'ai deux requêtes similaires mais chacune avec un SQL_ID différent et je veux que la première utilise le plan de la 2ème.

Question: I added an index hint in my query, but the hint is being ignored.What is the correct syntax for an index hint and how do I force the index hint to be used in my query? Answer: Oracle index hint syntax is tricky because of the index hint syntax is incorrect it is treated as a comment and not implemented.Here is an example of the correct syntax for an index hint: 19.1 Overview of Optimizer Hints. A hint is an instruction to the optimizer. When writing SQL code, you may know information about the data unknown to the optimizer. Hints enable you to make decisions normally made by the optimizer, sometimes causing the optimizer to select a … So in your leading(), use_hash, and index_rs_asc hint you need to include @SEL$798CEC2A and then you should get the result you want. RESULT_CACHE Documented: Instructs the database to cache the results of the current query or query fragment in memory and then to use the cached results in future executions of the query or query fragment. The hint is recognized in the top-level query, the

b BETWEEN 10 AND 10 20 40 80 FULL 749 750 751 754 INDEX_RS_ASC 3352 40540 108215 243563 INDEX_FFS 3352 40540 108215 243563. 2. Si vous voulez savoir pourquoi l'optimiseur prend les décisions qu'il ne vous avez besoin d'utiliser le 10053 trace. SQL > alt

21 Aug 2015 MERGE(@”SEL$2″). OUTLINE(@”SEL$1″). OUTLINE(@”SEL$2″). INDEX_RS_ASC(@”SEL$F5BB74E1″ “T0001″@”SEL$2” (“AFKO”. access index_rs_asc Index range scan qksfm_index_rs_asc -- access index_rs_desc Index range scan descending qksfm_index_rs_desc -- access index_ss  2018年5月25日 13 dbms_sqltune.import_sql_profile(sql_text => cl_sql_text,. 14 profile =>. 15 sqlprof_attr('INDEX_RS_ASC(TEST T_IND)'),. 16 category => '',. 21 Jul 2012 'false') FIRST_ROWS(10) OUTLINE_LEAF(@"SEL$1") INDEX_RS_ASC(@" SEL$1" "A"@"SEL$1" ("A"."OBJECT_ID")) INDEX(@"SEL$1"  10 févr. 2015 ACCT_ID")) INDEX_RS_ASC(@"SEL$17" "BILL2"@"SEL$17" ("CI_BILL"." BILL_ID")) USE_HASH_AGGREGATION(@"SEL$0D753FAC")  2 Mar 2012 B")) 1 1 1 INDEX_RS_ASC(@"SEL$1_1" "T"@"SEL$1" ("T"."B" "T"."A")) 1 1 0 OUTLINE(@"SEL$1") 1 1 0 OUTLINE_LEAF(@"SEL$1_2") 1 1 0 

b BETWEEN 10 AND 10 20 40 80 FULL 749 750 751 754 INDEX_RS_ASC 3352 40540 108215 243563 INDEX_FFS 3352 40540 108215 243563 share | improve this answer | follow | edited Dec 14 '12 at 20:10. Jon Heller. 29.5k 3 3 gold badges 60 60 silver badges 108 108 bronze

A deep discussion about dbms_xplan and usage. Hi Christian, Interested in execution plans output formatting, I wonder if it is possible to use this prepare_plan_xml_query function along with the display_cursor function The title is the name of an Oracle hint that came into existence in Oracle and made an appearance recently in a question on the rarely used “My Oracle Support” Community forum (you’ll need a MOS account to be able to read the original).

5 Sep 2018 What is going on? Let's compare the three plans: Bad plan in 18c; Good plan in 18c – forced with an index_rs_asc hint; Bad plan in 

18/06/2008 · INDEX_RS_ASC(@"SEL$1" "T11"@"SEL$1" ("S_ASSET"."ROW_ID")) OUTLINE_LEAF(@"SEL$1") OPT_PARAM('optimizer_index_cost_adj' 1) Both are ordered by attr#. I am not that daft! Note the END_OUTLINE_DATA tag halfway down the second profile. So my The resulting query block is derived from the names of the query blocks that generated it, and is deterministic, so it's safe to use it in your own hints. So in your leading(), use_hash, and index_rs_asc hint you need to include @SEL$798CEC2A and then you should get the result you want. RESULT_CACHE Documented 19.1 Overview of Optimizer Hints. A hint is an instruction to the optimizer. When writing SQL code, you may know information about the data unknown to the optimizer. Hints enable you to make decisions normally made by the optimizer, sometimes causing the optimizer to select a plan that it sees as higher cost. Nous avons une instruction select relativement simple qui accède aux données avec des champs d'index uniques. Néanmoins, l'optimiseur décide d'utiliser un mauvais index et la sélection prend environ 4

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